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I spent most of college
and all I have to show for it
is this page
major life decision
since i was dust and will be dust again since you were dust and will be dust again since we are dust and will be dust again i have...
everything in my home is a clock my phone is a clock my computer is a clock my bluetooth speaker is a clock my microwave oven is a clock...
April 21, 2016
don’t be formerly known come back please
they say you miss every shot you don’t take then tell me why I miss my flight everyday
I know I burned the bridges down but I’m still w a i t i n g w a n t i n g w i s h i n g you would ...
trees are naked yet unashamed we are not trees put your pants back on
it's easier to surf the web than waves you can't choose your emotions like emojis
it's a Monday night
and I’m watching Casino Royale on my laptop, in bed with a glass of pinot noir and I swear I wasn’t thinking of you but there’s that...
I inhale your memory every chance that I get but the scent gets thinner and thinner like an ancient statue depraved of its nose wholly...
as a child nothing was more impressive to me than my mother’s ability to remove the pit of an avocado she would neatly slice one open,...
conflict of interest
if you do you’re still my friend but that doesn’t mean I can bear to stand the thought of you together
spare tire
my parents desperately wanted a daughter they already had a son why would they want another? I’ve been asking the same question ever...
I love you like a sister but sometimes talking to you is like texting a landline
I should be at the gym
but it’s too hot to move this Sunday afternoon so I intrude on the life of an old poet I admire marveling at how drab he seems compared...
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